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Happy Go For a Ride Day!

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Happy Go For a Ride Day! Are you taking your bike out for a drive?

f8e53eb89da038d655d20103fdfbbd4e-scaled Happy Go For a Ride Day!

Happy Go For a Ride Day! Friday is Bike to Work Day because biking is a great way to commute to work. The EPA states that besides being super healthy, an average bike commuter saves over $660 a year! For example, a car commuter would spend $7 per day on gas if they drove 10 miles round trip to work. Biking only costs about a half dollar a day!

If you intend to sell bike, add it for free on Volusia Classifieds website. Look in Volusia Classifieds for more listings as well as smarter neighborhood Daytona area classifieds. On Volusia Classifieds website discovering your perfect seller is easy with its large search options as well as postings.

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