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Ways to Avoid Texting While Driving

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month! Avoid looking at your phone when you’re behind the wheel with these helpful tips.

Distracted driving is extremely dangerous. Learn how to nip that texting and driving habit in the bud with these helpful tips.

Boat launching tips

Launching a boat into the water can seem intimidating at first, but with a little practice you’ll be a pro in no time. Here are eight tips for getting your boat into its natural habitat!

When you trailer your boat to a lake, there’s only one thing between you and the water—a boat ramp! I know you’re eager to go, but be patient—you need to practice the art of boat launching first.

Boat trailering tips

Ready for a day on the water? Refresh your memory on boat trailering techniques with this helpful article!

A day spent boating is the kind of thing you daydream about—many of us crave time on the water, rocking with the waves and basking in the sun. But before getting to smooth sailing, you need to try your hand at the art of boat trailering.

What are Things to Keep in Your Car

Whether you’re driving short or long distances, there’s always the chance your vehicle could break down. Keep these items in your car so you’ll be prepared for the unexpected:

Whether you’re commuting to work or taking a long road trip, it’s best to prepare for when plans go awry. That’s why you need to keep several things in your car in case something goes wrong during your travels.

Helpful tips for new drivers

If you have a teen driver, it can be a stressful time for you (and them!) as they gain experience on the road. Share these driving tips with them to build their confidence and ensure their experience is as safe as possible!

Guide your teen to ensure their driving experience is as safe as possible with these helpful tips for new drivers.

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