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What to do after a flood

If flooding occurs in your home, it’s best to stay away until officials give you the ok to return. Once you’re back, you can start assessing the damage and file a claim with your insurance company. Learn more about how to safely inspect your home after a flood:

Anyone who’s been through a flood knows that recovering after this kind of disaster isn’t easy. You’re forced to accept that irreplaceable family treasures and memories may be gone forever, your furniture is destroyed, potentially along with your home.

Know the electrical dangers lurking in your home

Do you have any electrical dangers in your home? If you’re unsure of the answer, read this article for things to look for!

Electricity causes approximately 53,600 home fires every year. Here’s a checklist from the Electrical Safety Foundation to help you identify potential problems in your home.

Holiday traditions are important.

Holiday traditions are important. But the risk of spreading germs this year makes things more complicated. The good news is that there are easy things we can all do to enjoy the holidays AND protect our health and the health of our loved ones.

With the holidays right around the corner

With the holidays right around the corner, let’s focus on easy tips and tricks to enjoy yourself and keep those calories in mind. And remember, no food is on the naughtly list; it’s all about moderation! #GetHealthyVolusia

Sled Life

It’s beginning to look a lot like snowmobile season, and Foremost has stellar coverage for riders blazing the snowy trails. ❄️

Learn more at

Tips to Conserve Energy in Your Home

Looking to reduce your energy bill? 🏠
Check out these tips for conserving energy in your home!

Have additional tips? Share them with us in the comments!

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